Joe Batson Law Firm Cares About Its Clients

Combatting Drug Crimes Charges

Criminal charges of any kind can have consequences that impact your future for years to come, and this is especially true for drug charges in Texas. When facing these kinds of charges, hoping to land a good plea deal or a slap on the wrist for a first offense can be a mistake that jeopardizes your rights, future and freedom, which is why you need to be sure you are defending yourself with a skilled criminal defense attorney.

At Joe Batson Law Firm, you can rely on the criminal defense services of someone who has more than 30 years of experience defending clients against their criminal charges. Attorney Joe Batson is proud to serve the Amarillo community with his legal skills, and is committed to helping each of his clients pursue the outcomes they deserve in their misdemeanor and felony cases.

Building A Case Against Your Charges

Joe helps clients against drug charges involving substances like marijuana, meth, cocaine, heroin and other controlled substances, as well as possession and trafficking charges. These charges can have serious penalties depending on the severity of the charges, including:

  • Class C misdemeanor – Up to $500 in fines
  • Class B misdemeanor – Up to six months in jail and $2,000 in fines
  • Class A misdemeanor – Up to one year in jail and $4,000 in fines
  • 3rd-degree felony – Up to 10 years in jail and $10,000 in fines
  • 2nd-degree felony – Up to 20 years in jail and $10,000 in fines
  • 1st-degree felony – Up to 99 years in jail and $250,000 in fines

As your legal representation, Joe will explore all available options for defending you. He will look into ways to beat your charges, such as by proving police error, establishing innocence, scrutinizing the evidence in your case and consulting with witnesses, all to bolster your defense strategy. If beating your charges does not seem possible, he will continue to defend you by seeking options for minimizing the charges and the consequences you are facing. While Joe is standing up for your rights and future, he will also answer questions and keep you from making critical mistakes in your case.

Now Is The Time To Craft Your Defense

Attorney Batson is so committed to helping his clients that he is willing to meet in person or virtually, and he offers free 30-minute consultations. The more time you give him to build your case, the stronger it can be. Call 806-553-2277 or email him here to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step in defending yourself against your drug charges.